Thursday, May 7, 2009

How to Create Copy That Sells

All great marketing materials start with a sound editorial concept and well-written copy. Make your printed pieces as effective as possible by following these basic copywriting guidelines:

  • Consider the audience you are trying to attract; "get inside their heads"

  • Focus on benefits, not features; show why whatever you are promoting is the right choice for your reader

  • Write headlines that command attention

  • Use strong leads that will “hook” the reader

  • Keep it short; be sensitive to the fact that people are busy

  • Write in an active voice. Correct: The man called the dog. Incorrect: The dog was called by the man.
  • Use a conversational tone with simple language anybody can understand

  • Stay away from industry jargon and too many “buzz” words

  • Include a call to action, such as “buy now,” “visit our website to order,” “get a free sample”

  • Make sure your marketing piece is “skim-able,” meaning there should be plenty of white space, brief-yet-informative headlines and subheads, bullet points, etc. People are looking for "nuggets" of information, not the great American novel.

If you've got tips of your own, please comment and I'll include them in future entries.

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